Nepal Rastra Bank IT Assistant Practical Questions 2075 and 2076

The questions provided below were asked on my examination for 2075 batch recruitment.
- Typing Math equations including Intergration, derivative and fractional forms in MS Word.
- Prepare a pie chart with given sample tabular data in MS Excel.
- Enable and establish Remote Desktop Connection in Windows OS.
- Design Simple HTML page including images and paragraph texts.
- 1 Page Nepali Typing on True Type Nepali Font (e.g. Preeti)
The questions provided below were asked on my examination for 2076 batch recruitment.
- Design HTML page with 2 columns, tables and hyperlink to
- Prepare a pie chart with given sample tabular data in MS Excel.
- Design database in MS Access and generate result using built in query builder.
- Typing in MS word with design of bold fontface, line spacing, paragraph spacing, layout and orientation of page as specified.
- Prepare simple presentation in Power Point.
- Changing desktop resolution to specified level.
- Use command line to perform tracer route to a domain e.g and save output to a file.
- Assign static IP to the PC and save the configuration in Screenshot.
- Create directory in a drive and assign Read Only Permission to it.
Source: Candidates appearing those exams.