Deploy free SSL Certificate for your website

Deploy free SSL Certificate for your website

There are both pro and cons of having SSL certificates but you need some expertise to make your site so. In this article I will guide you through installation of SSL certificate for you sites so that it can be accessed via

The prerequisites for installation is a SSL certificate generated from SSL certifier and access to your website cPanel.

Certificate Installation

Note: The SSL certificate will last for 90 days only so after that you have to regenerate the certificate and deploy again. To get notified of the expiration create account in the site that is prompt to you in the page shown after successful download of Certificate file

.htaccess configuration to force always use HTTPS connection

Now after installation of SSL Certificate you can manually navigate to to test the working. But the site is equally accessible from . In this section let me show how to force that site is always accessed securely by use of .htaccess file

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]
