[MBA] Answer the questions for given case

[MBA] Answer the questions for given case

Your company supplies ceramic floor tile to Home Depot, Lowe's, and other home improvement stores. You have been asked to start using radio frequency identification tags (RFID) on each case of tiles you ship to help your customers improve the management of your products and those of other suppliers in their warehouse.

1.    Use the Web to identify the cost of hardware, software, and networking components for an RFID system for your company?

2.    What factors should be considered?

3.    What are the key decisions that have to be made in determining whether your firm should adopt this technology?


1. Since RFID is completely new for our company, we can surf the web to seek for the best matching brand and model of RFID. The available features and estimated cost can be known from the vendor's website. The vendor's might have enlisted software and network components required for the system in the user's manual too. For eg. if we are UK based company then we may surf http://www.rfidc.com/ and get detail for the inteded device in depth. So the decision making will be easier enough.



