Study materials for NTC Telecom Engineer Level - 7
Followings are the some important reference material for NTC Telecom Engineer Level - 7 (Electronics & Communication).
---------------- Questions --------------------
- Old Question 2066 & 2068 NTC Level -7 (Elx & Comm).pdf
- Question __ Vector Institute Sample General Module
- Questions Objective Basic Electricity - Apex
------------------ Books -------------------------- - Advanced Engineering Mathematics 10th Edition - Erwin Kreyszig
- Basic Engineering Mathematics
- A Textbook of Electrical-Technology Vol #I (Basic Electrical Engineering) - B-L Theraja
- A Text Book of Electrical Technology Vol #II (AC and DC Machines) - B L Thereja
- A Textbook of Electrical-Technology Vol #III (Transmission, Distribution & Utilization) - B-L Theraja
- A Textbook of Electrical Technology Vol #IV (Electronic Devices and Circuits) - B.L. Theraja
------------------- Notes ------------------------- - Companies Act 2063 in Nepali
- English दुरसंचार नीति २०६० Telecom Policy 2004
- NTC कर्मचारी बिनियामबली २०६१ (परिच्छेद ६, ८, १० )
- Telecom Act 2053 - Upto date English
- दुरसंचार ऐन २०५७(Telecom Policy Upto Date- Nepali)
- सूचना प्रबिधि नीति २०६७
---------------------------------------------------------- - Syllabus 3.1 __ Authority & Power Delegation, Motivation, Time Management, OutSourcing, Strategy, Targets, Accountability
- Syllabus 3.2 __ Vision, Mission, Goals, Leadership
- Syllabus 3.3 __ Management Information System
- Syllabus 3.4 __ Job Description, Trainings
- Logic Gates, MOS,OPAMPs,Power Supply,Diodes,Integrated Ciruits
- Transistors, Number Systems
- MicroProcessor 8085, Email System
- AM, Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves, FM, FSK, PSK, ASK, QAM
- Costing and Finance (PowerPoint Slide)
- General Accounting Principles (PowerPoint Slide)
- Basic Electronics