Study materials for NTC Telecom Engineer Level - 7

Study materials for NTC Telecom Engineer Level - 7

Followings are the some important reference material for NTC Telecom Engineer Level - 7 (Electronics & Communication).

         ---------------- Questions --------------------

  1. Old Question 2066 & 2068 NTC Level -7 (Elx & Comm).pdf
  2. Question __ Vector Institute Sample General Module
  3. Questions Objective Basic Electricity - Apex
    ------------------ Books --------------------------
  4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics 10th Edition - Erwin Kreyszig
  5. Basic Engineering Mathematics
  6. A Textbook of Electrical-Technology Vol #I (Basic Electrical Engineering) - B-L Theraja
  7. A Text Book of Electrical Technology Vol #II (AC and DC Machines) - B L Thereja
  8. A Textbook of Electrical-Technology Vol #III (Transmission, Distribution & Utilization) - B-L Theraja
  9. A Textbook of Electrical Technology Vol #IV (Electronic Devices and Circuits) - B.L. Theraja
    ------------------- Notes -------------------------
  10. Companies Act 2063 in Nepali
  11. English दुरसंचार नीति २०६० Telecom Policy 2004
  12. NTC कर्मचारी बिनियामबली २०६१ (परिच्छेद ६, ८, १० )
  13. Telecom Act 2053 - Upto date English
  14. दुरसंचार ऐन २०५७(Telecom Policy Upto Date- Nepali)
  15. सूचना प्रबिधि नीति २०६७
  16. Syllabus 3.1 __ Authority & Power Delegation, Motivation, Time Management, OutSourcing, Strategy, Targets, Accountability
  17. Syllabus 3.2 __ Vision, Mission, Goals, Leadership
  18. Syllabus 3.3 __ Management Information System
  19. Syllabus 3.4 __ Job Description, Trainings
  20. Logic Gates, MOS,OPAMPs,Power Supply,Diodes,Integrated Ciruits
  21. Transistors, Number Systems
  22. MicroProcessor 8085, Email System
  23. AM, Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Waves, FM, FSK, PSK, ASK, QAM
  24. Costing and Finance (PowerPoint Slide)
  25. General Accounting Principles (PowerPoint Slide)
  26. Basic Electronics